I have since cut the power. I didn't touch anything yet cause I know it is possible to recover this print. Just got to figure out how. I been thinking, I have an idea.
The kobra has a z offset you do after you auto-level. I set that just a few hours ago using sheet of paper and getting a little resistance. Since the M600 and now failed print, I didn't move a thing.
The printhead is in the right x/y spot, z has come up from the m600. If I set the Z offset just above the print on the bed, not touching but sheet of paper close. Current Z offset is -1.50, the model stop printing at M600, the next line has z Z5.4 which is the hight when it should start again from and go on the start layer 26.
If I set the z offset on the machine to z 4.4(.03 higher to be safe), edit the code and remove all the white layer info. Keep the last 5 layers I want in black.
When it does the homing at the beginning it shouldn't touch the model right and continue on printing the remaining layers. I will manually get things heat up. to make sure.
I did figure all this out after, and did I resumed and recovered the print without a hitch. Not even a blemish in the new layers I printed.
A couple of code I tried did work to well on the Kobra. In most cases the command would process fine, work as intended. Resume from said command was the biggest issue.
I came up with a work-around, a way to swap colors. I'll explain. Briefly. All I really need is for the printer to alert me when it is close to the desired layer where I want to swap colors. I manually edit the gcode file. I have saved 4 or 5 lines I can paste into the file as needed.
I use cura to get the exact layer where I want to do the swap. When it gets 2 layers away.. I use the M300 command to make a beep(s) ... when it is 1 layer away I make it do a different beep.
I slow things down a little, wait for the next beep.. which is my target layer(s). I issue code to slowly move the printhead up away a little.
Meanwhile on the screen I press pause. Do the swap, hit resume. I make sure temps are still good and bring things back to normal speeds and let the print complete.
It works quite well actually.