By default, i guess it is 80cm and my Kinect can work at 40 cm.
Green surfaces on your scan mean that the
information is in focus and being properly gathered.
Fig 1 - Prepare tab - Start a new scan
Fig 2 - Record tab - Align object within scan area
Fig 3 - Record tab - Complete scan
When you have obtained full coverage of your
object, click the red Stop button.
6 In the Reconstruct tab select Fusion. Select GPU for
the Processor and High for Fidelity for the best quality.
Click Run. Skanect will reconstruct your scan at full
quality now (the live scan renders at less than full
qualify for speed reasons).
Note: To navigate around your model: left click and
drag to rotate, right click and drag to zoom, and
center click and drag to reposition.
I assume you meant 11 frames per seconds (the number displayed by
Skanect). This is not very fast, but if your turntable is quite slow,
it should still track ok. Could you post a short video of Skanect
during the process? It would help us diagnose what is going on. Most
likely reasons are:
- The object is too small for Skanect to track its position
- The bounding box includes fixed parts (e.g the support of the table,
which does not rotate with the object)
- The object geometry is not informative enough. For example, Skanect
cannot track a purely planar object. In this case, you can add extra
geometry to the table (e.g small wood blocks or clothes), and remove
them in the postprocessing.
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