Ultimate 3d Printing

Service Bureaus
Frame Kits 
ferrules Kit
Avoid Wifi  DUET board for most complete web Interface

Begining System
Ender 3
Upgrades  Product brand new Ender 3 with Bltouch and SD Card.
  1. Micro SD card to SD card adapter cable $10.   Adapter Housings  SD Cards
  2. Enclosure $80Get one that will handle ender 5
  3. BLTouch $40    Gcode macro for bed leveling Careful Magic Smoke Link to files under video.
  4. Linear Bearings
  5. Better Extruder or Hot End / Direct Drive Extruder   $36
  6. Better Hot End
  7. Wifi Interface Toshiba Card or Octopi (Use Octoprint Card $23 <backup octoprint card>  without WIFI quite a few dependencies)
  8. Marlin Board Upgrade
    SKR 1.4 Turbo  1.3 Merlin

Frame kit
Build your own 3d Printer Play list
Core xy Build
Building from frame kit can be a daunting task.
Best to upgrade an existing working sytem into
a new frame unless you have substantial experience.

Wifi on enders is a pain.
Their solution is IOS no pc.
Linear Rails
Creality wifi box.

Bed leveling

Induction type.


linear rails
Router Laser 3D printer

FTC Disclaimer: A percentage of sales is made through Affiliate links.
 Ender 3 board

marlin download

Duet Reprap Vs Marlin
Marlin seems to be developing more features
Duet does not have replaceable drivers.
Expansion Board  allows some.

Many Gcodes new in Marlin
The SKR 1.4 Turbo

Ebay Adapters

Controller Cards

Core XY
Closed Loop
Core xy Nema Cooler
Sapphire  one  Core XY  Upgrade
Two Trees
Mosquito Hotend $150
Hot Ends
Duet3D   price $ 100  to $200
Thermistor VS Thermocouple
Filament Feeder
BL touch system
Power Supply