Desktop CNC Arduino  Legal: Links on this page may pay a commission. Amazon affiliate program member.

Workflow: Easel UGS or Direct to SD Card
Offline controller
Best Suited for Laser Cutter?
Nema 17s

Arduino Nema23 TB6600

Use exteranal drive pins in upper
left corner. See below for examples.

Sainsmart Parallel and USB Systems

Running Bigger Stepper Drivers from a CNC Shield

Post by Bertus Kruger ยป Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:35 am

A few people have asked how to run bigger stepper drivers like Gecko's and MA860H's from the CNC Shield.

The breakout pins next to the X axis stepper and below the reset button is where the connection is made.

The pin-out is as follow:

Enable : Ground
X Step : X Direction
Y Step : Y Direction
Z Step : Z Direction

External drivers need only 4 signal pins to work. The pins are Ground , Enable , Step , Direction.

Take care to make sure the external drivers run on 5V logic voltage like the Arduino that is running GRBL.Summary from other post (Thank you Leo!!!):
From the CNC board,
- Each axis (X, Y, Z, A) Dir goes to the (+ dir) of each controller
- Each axis (X, Y, Z, A) Step goes to the (+ step or +pul) of each controller
- The (+ enable) goes to each stepper (+ enable) of each controller. Thus 1 board output goes to 4 controllers
- The (- enable) goes to each stepper (- enable) of each controller AND to (- dir) of each controller AND to (- step or - pul) of each controller. It is the shared ground. Thus, 1 board output goes to 4 controllers in 3 spots and the ground is shared. I just used jumper across the grounds on the negative side.

Note: I am using a SainSmart CNC Microtep Driver ST-M5045 (Which seems to be the same as the 2M542)