QtyTitleAmountRental RatePict.
21 TB drive hard drive Seagate Near New Format to your will.

1Acoustic Measurement Consulting Sonipulse System per hour. $100

2Adjustable bed Electric Maxwell 2 ea. D/T Pwp-200 price each. $100
1Advent Speaker Modfel 2-w 7.5 10 OD h$275

650Alco DPDT switches MTA206P Marine Quality Switch. $10
1Apple Power Book G3 for parts only
Lombard Bronze Keyboard

1Archive your Albums

1Assorted Mains PA power amplifiers QSC$275$55
1Behringer Disco Mixer$40$8
1Behringer Microphone U87 Clone (parts)$40

1Brother Printer MFC-8860DN$225$45
1Canon Lide 25 scanner$20

4Ceiling Speakers Pairs Dayton per each. $50
1Chris Craft 65 hp marine Rare
engine with transmission. (Very Rare)

3Computer Monitors$50

1Dell M6600 16gb
1Dod Crossover$65$13
1Dual 501 Turntable ... For Parts$40
2Ellipsoidal Stage Lights ="Hard edge lighting"
suitable as follow spot. Great for heating up a
runway for fashion shows or processionals. pr. ea.
1Fender Amp logo$9

1Hard Drive 1$25

1Hard Drive 2$25

1Hard Drive 3$25

1Hard Drive 5$25

1Hard Drive4$25

2HP inkjet Printer$25

2IP Video Cameras one for parts.$25

1jbl vintage studio monitor speakers Pair$800$160
1Jewelry Inquire http://circadea.com/jewelry

1Kenwood KR 6430 Quad parts Receiver $100 $20

1Lamps Turkish Indian With some damage$75

1Linux Computer 1$40

1Linux Computer 2$40

1Linux Computer 3$40

200Mallory Sonalerts $45 wholesale 6-12 volt pulsing backup alarm. $12
2Mcauley Powered Woofer Bins$1000

20Mic Cables & Speaker Cables$20

1Optima Intelligent DMX Light New fan recently serviced. $175
1PA and/or Disco Sound System... McCauley components.

1Panasonic Special Effects Video Processor$400$80
3Raspberry Pi$40

0Raspberry Pi Development$50

1Record Albums see list at... http://circadea.com/records

1Remote Printing & Communications System Uses broadband.$1000
1Renkus horns pair$200$40
1ScanSnap1300i Mobile Scanner 3$100

1SKB Air Freight Quality Rack Case. Spring Suspended
1Sonicwall Tele3 APL04-022 Firewall$20$4
1Sony CDP C205 CD Player $35$10

1Sony GX 700ES Receiver parts$20

1Toshiba satellite as Is w/ Power supply$20

1Toyota Cylinder Head 22r
pear shaped ports


3Turntables Phillips 777 with new Cartridge $175 B&0 poarts $100$40$8
1Video Cameras$10

1Watchguard BF4s16E6 Firewall$20$4
4WIFI Modem$10

1Yamaha R-900 Parts $150 power amplifier out... Works otherwise.$150