LED Laser Heads & Drivers @Circadea

5 Watt Output Head
10 Watt Output Head
20  Watt Output Head
Fiber Laser

Comgrow 5 watt  has level shifting for 24v ender 3

Neje Air Assisted (wattage varies)
A40630 is 5 watt Outut

Zbaitu 5 watt
Laser Tree with Air Assist


Comgrow 10 watt output.
Needs Comgrow Universal box to work with 24volt printers.

Laser Tree 20 Watt

Atomstack with 20 Watt Output


Laser Boxes for connecting to 24 volt fan.
24v Fan to Laser Driver Circuit
For experts.
Laser Replacement Driver Boards


May need to alter g-code fan output calls.