Laser Lightburn Software
Inkscape requires plug ins and much tweaking to do this thus one is far ahead to pay the $40.

Light Burn

Designed to Work With Your Laser

Those two are probably your best choices, honestly. The 6442 is the first controller LightBurn supported,
and the 6445 is an updated version with a larger display. Both work very well.

Designed to Work With Your Laser

LightBurn will run on Windows 7.0 or later, 32 or 64 bit, MacOS 10.11 or later, or 64 bit Linux. LightBurn does not require a powerful computer for most work, though if your designs contain a lot of images, more memory is helpful.

Well I just got it working. Ended up using FTDI 2.2.18 which works on my Mac. We will see how it actually runs though. But it is talking back and forth so far!

’ve been running LightBurn via USB on an old Mac Pro with Mac OS X 10.11 for almost two years now. It works well and is a great use for an old Mac.

Hi Nicolas, I have done this and it is very easy. However, your are correct in that you need at least grbl 1.1f. I found this is very easy to do using the free trial of T2 laser. (just search on the web for it) once you connect that to your A3 with the default 0.9 grbl you can then use T2 to update the firmware to 1.1f. The firmware comes with T2. Once you have done that Lightburn will work directly with the A3. You will love LB compared with just about anything else out there.






Stand Alone

If you’ve never used LightBurn before, here are a few general usage videos to help get you going:
Device setup:
Interface walkthrough:
Cut settings (Layers):
Cut settings (Layers):
Machine and Job Origin:
If you have a GCode machine that you’re trying to set up: XCarve…