Laser Offline
Compatible with FoxAlien 3018-SE and LE-4040 CNC engraving machines.
Touchscreen Control, simple and easy.
SD Card Included. Testing files are included in the SD card. You can start engraving once you receive the module.
The offline controller functions as the control software in computer. It can control all actions of the machine.
This offline controller can free your computer when it needs for long hours engraving.
Compatible with FoxAlien 3018-SE CNC router and LE-4040 engraving machine.
Cooling fan pre-assembled on the control board for better heat dissipation.
Independent power switch for safety.
GRBL controlled. Compatible with all grbl software.
Support OS: Windows XP/7/8/10, Mac OS.
SainSmart Genmitsu
The offline module is only compatible with Genmitsu CNC Router 3018-PROVer.
Lightburn at Sainsmart