Ortur laser   32bit controller.       @Circadea  Contact Home    Contact
Laser Lens Pack
Ortur Laser - Is the G8 a Miracle Lens! - YouTube
Ortur Laser Master  ORTUR Rotary Roller for Engraving Cylindrical Objects. - YouTubester V2 Review. Best $200 Bucks Spent Ever. - YouTubeThe  desktop laser is probably the most versatile of machines for producing a wide variety of goods and services.
It is particularly useful in adding information to products and producing high detail small parts.
Tools it can replace include. Band saws, saber saws, silk screens, paper cutters. ..
Air Assist for cutting

Ortur is a 32 bit open source machine.
Lightburn affords doing much without any other software.
Inkscape for outputing Files
Alternate GIMP (Higher learing curve)

Machine Sizes
20W for Cutting but is less accurate
can possibly improved with z axis control.
Replacement Modules Link

Amazon (Fastest)
20 days
LaserMaster 2  7W 400 x 430 x 3000mm min
17  inches  good for 19" rack
7W $258
15W $308
20W $368

7W 185
15W 220
20W 280
7w $240

Ortur Laser Master 7W


7W EU 156
15w USA  $200
20W $270

Windows / Mac / Linux under lightburn.
x axis is cantilevered beam.
y axis is between ends.
roller axis is y axis controlled

Set UP Video
15watt unit is 4.7 watts photonic.  Ratio  Approximately 3:1
Text and setup code.
Uses Laser GRBL to connect. Strictly Windows
"Normally the ORTUR cutter connects via USB to my Macbook with LightBurn." $40 version.
Banggood Lasers
Ortur Lasers at Gearbest
Ortur Laser Master 15W Personal Laser Engraving Machine - Black EU Plug 15w