Ortur makes the machine used in the Donor Machine
Video. For the purposes of adapting a Laser Engraver into a CNC Plasma
cutter one should prefer a machine fabricated from 2020 2040 or 2060
extrusions so that one can do modifications and affect any repairs that
may be needed without being locked into a particular factory. One may be
compelled to want to go big by replacing the extrusions with longer
ones but one should remember the larger the machine the more difficult
it can be to maintain accuracy which is driven by stability which
demands more mass generally. So, my advice is to not modify a machine's
width or length until you have your machine operating satisfactorily
gaining insights into any gotchyas. One other notable is that a smaller
portable machine can be placed on larger pieces of work. The only real
limitation is the size of the piece that can be cut out in one
Donor Machine for CNC Bed
Coupon for Ortur
Lasermaster II Pro 5 Watt Air Assist.
Air Compressor