Codes can link to ...
Can be enhanced with rfid also.
online catalog
- running account of customers bill
- service request form for service business
- online bid or catering request form
- vehicle notification link (scanning notifies driver of an issue)
- on mailbox for information for law enforcement
- next to door for leaving a message
- guest book sign in
- rememberance book sign in
- rsvp response
- add your picture
- online menu
- catering
- link to app download
- restaurants menu
- to make a purchase
- send a email
add customer to your contacts
add customer to your mailing list(s)
- media page
fan base form
audio files
- plant information
video files
share coupons
contact information
dial your phone
send a text message
share your business on facebook or other social media...
Qr Codes can also decode as text messages up to
4000 characters.
- Direct clients to your resume, LinkedIn profile, or website.
- Use a QR code in a direct mail piece, business card, or postcard to provide a discount.
- Give customers an inside look at your new Facebook promotion.
- Share a digital menu for your restaurant, food truck, or catering company.
- Direct users to download your app.
- Take
them to a page with more detailed information that wouldn’t easily fit
in a print ad, such as a product sheet or pricing list.
- Deliver step-by-step instructional videos or a printable setup sheet.
- Have the QR code send a tweet when scanned, or check in with Foursquare
- Let them enroll in an event such as a webinar.
- Use the QR code to let customers send themselves a reminder via SMS.
- Link them to a special “exclusive” YouTube video.
- Deliver AR content.