Desktop Manufacturing Outlines...

3D printing
Reverse Engineering
$334 with y axis roller
$240+ for a Refurb  Ender   Adventurer

Time to Master
Days for basics, Years for

Name Plates • QR Codes • PC Boards • Gaskets • Thin Plywood items • Acrylic * Plant Stakes
Knobs • Replacement Parts  • Conductive Filament
Hangers • "Impossible" Items • Medical Prosthetics • Lost Wax Items • Tool Holders • Cable Management • Bicycle Accessories  Drone Parts

Customer Base
Business Offices

Average Value of Products
Determining your input costs · Cost of material – $4.10 · Production time – $2.54 · Packaging – $ 1.98 · Advertising – $2.25 · Total cost – $10.87.

3D printing can cost anywhere from $3 up to thousands of dollars. It's hard to get the exact cost of a 3D print without a 3D model.
Calculator  Craft Cloud

Time between Orders


Slate Wood Metal Painte Surfaces
Annealed Plastics PETG ABS PLA


Project Failures
Materials can be reused
Materials Lost


Obnoxious Fumes generally

Low to Moderate
Printing Services

Laser Engraving vs 3D Printing
3D printing takes special materials.
Laser Engraving materials are generally available locally.

Service Bureaus.  Arduino

Arduino Spindle Control
PWM to 1 to 10 v adapter,
Then to  VFD YL620

In recent times much has been done to make the world of Desktop Manufacturing more accessible.
Many of the more frustrating obstacles have been surmounted in connectivity.

Arduino Based Systems: Is suitable for many small to medium size enterprises and for training.
GRBL control allows for the universal sharing of files saving much duplication of work. 

Work flows have been greatly simplified.
Teams can consist of designers whose work can be readily encoded to run on both supbractive and additive technologies.

New Materials make low end 3e printers capable of making funtional prototypes if not production runs of components by scaling the number of machines.
3d printers allow for near instant implementation of upgrades and revisions yet provides for making legacy parts on demand also without retooling.

Products: Products will experience shorter product cycles or may evolve into an endless stream of items that will be individual to their serial number.

Individualism: Clothing, Personal Electronics, Household Accessories, Prosthetics, Shoes that need zero breaking in that match your performance requirements.

Products built of multiple materials allow for very specific compatibility to the user. 

For instance.
Car Seats
Personal Electronics
Eye Glasses  with hearing enhancement , environmental awareness and augmented reality.
Thermal vision.
QR codes to drive information  to PC glasses.





MAC provides some of the most creative tools for development but has been overlooked in the realm of interfacing to the components of desktop manufacturing.
We shall attempt to address this shortcoming in this section.
With the advent of inexpensive offline controllers we can now at worst tennis shoe net  our creations into our machines of customized production.
The path is from various online tools to files in the cloud or in our personal repositories and then via sd card or wifi into our machines.
Raspberry PI Octopi as a for instance which allows one to monitor production from wherever.

Dreams: Shoot a picture of a broken component in an app and get a quoute for the replacement part instantly.
Delivery in a day or two of even parts that the mfg. no longer makes.