Laser Engraver Cutter Projects        
Original notes:
Nameplates and Markers
P9 Machine

Best products...
Fishermans Knot Board and Bait Board
Growth Ruler
Glass Tiles
Wooden Blanks
Wooden Signs
Plant Stakes
Alu Panels
Stainless Panels
Etsy Buy and Sell
Pizza tool
Beer Tap Handles
Door Do not Disturb
Rulers Engraved with Business
Wooden Pencil Box
USE AI for art.
Coasters Slate
Cutting Board Recipe Restaurant Serving
Tumblers (powder coated)
Tags Luggage Presents  Tongue Deppressorss
Custom maps qgis
Laser Engraved Photo
Xmas Ornaments
Leather Patches Trucker hats Wallets
Closing Gifts Keys
Materials Files
Printed Circuit Boards Magazine and Toner Method
Materials Files Downloads
Local Access Link (Not available over internet)

Atomstack P9 Lightburn set up OSX  and work arounds.
Install the Extension
Restart the Computer
Check that the Laser shows up in the system report.

It may take several attempts to get the Laser to show up as ready.

Once you find the laser set the bed to 220 on the x and 250 on the y.

Bottom left is the back left corner of the Laser per lightburn when you are at the open side of the machine,

Currently March 23 the gcode ouput will not work with the SD card reader.
You can edit the file as per below or export the svg to lasergrbl or inkscape and use the JT plugin to output your file.

Be carefull with the material test generator. Always watch. It is very easy to end up with parameters that
may start a fire on some materials.

Ideal glasses are amber to red in color to protect your eyes from blue lasers.

Vector Ruler Generator
Printable Rulers
Rulers II
Rulers III
Cooking Temps
Kitchen Ruler
Folding Ruler
Kitchen Ruler 2
Cutting Board With Ruler
Ruler Pusher Shover Rack
Ruler with Calculator
Conversion Chart
How To

OXO Bench Scraper on a black background

Some Settings:

Wood: Easiest can take quite a while.  up to 6000mm per min tested.
xtool table
Thin plywood 200mm at 60 pct.
Atomstack Settings

Glass Tiles
Anodized Metal:  100x50mm plates
Wood Pieces

A 5W diode laser is ideal for engraving coated metals like anodized aluminum and other
 plated or painted metals. It can also be used for engraving bare metals by using the multi-pass technique.

xTool 1064nm Infrared Laser Module for D1 Pro

With material  90 pct 200mm
Tile might be one of the better materials  1000mm 100 pct  could run two 50 pct?   White paint glass subway tiles.
Stainless Steel:
Paint: Smelly. Time consuming but accurate. Cleanup alcohol. Let cure overnight.
Masking Tape? Cut  outline then pick out parts. Then Spray paint. May bleed.
Cutting: 50mm cutting sections 1.969 length  .08mm    20mm

Basswood 8 3000 700 NO 1
Hardwood 8 3000 700 NO 1
Bamboo 8 3000 700 NO 1
Acrylic 8 3000 700 NO 1
Kraft Paper 8 3000 200 NO 1
Mirrors 8 3000 700 NO 1
Leather 8 3000 200 NO 1
denim 8 3000 250 NO 1
Stainless Steel 15 400 1000 NO 1

Ok I have tried a quick test file and it worked. Here’s what I did:

  1. In Lightburn, I created a small test file containing an image and some text (fill).

  2. I used the Save GCode function to create file TEST.NC

  3. I am running Windows 10, so I used NotePad++ (free download) to open TEST.NC

  4. In NotePad++, you need to convert LF (end-of-line or line feed characters) to CRLF (carriage return/line feed) and remove all comment lines (lines starting with ; semi-colon). Here’s how:

  • within Notepad ++ to see the end of line markers, Click on View > Show Symbol > then Show End of Line.
  • After that, you will be able to see the end of line characters and see which ones are used (you should see a highlighted LF at the end of each line)
  • Using the find and replace within Notepad++, we will be using \r (CR) and \n (LF) as matching values.
  • Click on Search > Replace (or Ctrl + H)
  • Find what: \n
  • Replace with: \r\n
  • Search Mode: select Extended
  • Replace All
    You should now see a highlighted CR and LF at the end of each line.

While still in NotePad++, use Find to find ; (semi-colon). Cursor should jump to next line containing a semi-colon. Delete entire line. Click Find Next. Delete line. Repeat until all lines containing comments have been deleted. (this is a pain if you have a complex design and there are probably ways to delete comment lines in one fell swoop - custom scripts?)
Save .NC file (Save As if you want to keep original .NC file)

  1. Connect Offline Controller to PC via USB and copy the edited .NC file to offline controller. (Copy to root folder on controller - not into a sub-folder)

  2. Disconnect controller from PC, and plug controller into CNC machine control board with supplied ribbon cable. Turn on CNC machine. Navigate to File menu on controller - you should see your file. Navigate using arrow buttons to your file.

  3. Using the Jog controls on the controller, move the laser head to desired origin position and press OK. Engraving should begin.


Material NameProcessingModulePower(%) / Speed(mm/s) / Pass
Metal Business CardsRaster engraveD1 Pro 5W60 / 50 / 1
Metal Business CardsVector engraveD1 Pro 5W100 / 50 / 1
Metal Business CardsRaster engraveD1 Pro 10W80 / 50 / 1
Metal Business CardsVector engraveD1 Pro 10W100 / 70 / 1
Metal Business CardRaster engraveD1 Pro 20W40 / 50 / 1
Metal Business CardVector engraveD1 Pro 20W70 / 60 / 1
Stainless Steel NecklaceRaster engraveD1 Pro 10W100 / 20 / 1
Stainless Steel NecklaceVector engraveD1 Pro 10W100 / 10 / 1
Stainless Steel NecklaceRaster engraveD1 Pro 20W100 / 30 / 1
Stainless Steel NecklaceVector engraveD1 Pro 20W100 / 20 / 1
Silver Stainless Steel TagRaster engraveD1 Pro 10W100 / 20 / 1
Silver Stainless Steel TagVector engraveD1 Pro 10W100 / 40 / 1
Stainless Steel NecklaceVector engraveD1 Pro 40W 60 / 50
Stainless Steel NecklaceRaster engraveD1 Pro 40W 60 / 150(100Lines per cm)
Silver Dog TagVector engraveD1 Pro 40W 60 / 50(100Lines per cm)
Silver Dog TagRaster engraveD1 Pro 40W 60 / 150(100Lines per cm)
Metal Business CardsRaster engraveD1 Pro 40W 8 / 80(200Lines per cm)


Material NameThickness(mm)ProcessingModulePower(%) / Speed(mm/s) / Pass
Basswood plywood3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 20W60 / 100 / 1
Basswood plywood3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 20W80 / 60 / 1
Basswood plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 5W100 / 2 / 2
Basswood plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 3 / 2
Basswood plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 6 / 1
Basswood plywood6.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 2 / 4
Basswood plywood6.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 6 / 3
Walnut Plywood3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 10W80 / 100 / 1
Walnut Plywood3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 10W50 / 30 / 1
Walnut Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 5W100 / 4 / 3
Walnut Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 3 / 1
Walnut Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 4 / 1
Walnut Plywood6.0CutD1 Pro 10W80 / 60 / 1
Walnut Plywood6.0CutD1 Pro 20W80 / 60 / 1
Fraxinus Mandshurica Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 3 / 3
Fraxinus Mandshurica Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 4 / 1
Cherry Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 4 / 2
Cherry Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 5 / 1
Pine Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 4 / 2
Pine Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 5 / 1
Mahogany Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 4 / 3
Mahogany Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 6 / 1
Birch Plywood3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 10W80 / 100 / 1
Birch Plywood3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 10W50 / 30 / 1
Birch Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 3 / 1
Birch Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 6 / 1
Birch Plywood6.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 4 / 3
White oak plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 3 / 2
White oak plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 5 / 1
Cherry Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 5W100 / 2 / 2
Cherry Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 3 / 1
Cherry Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 6 / 1
Basswood plywood15.0CutD1 Pro 40W 100 / 2 / 1(Focal length down 3mm)
Basswood plywood15.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 40W 20 / 40
Basswood plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 40W 100 / 13  / 1 
Basswood plywood3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 40W 15 / 50
Basswood plywood15.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 40W 20 / 100(80Lines per cm)
Basswood plywood3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 40W 20 / 100(100Lines per cm)
Basswood plywood8.0CutD1 Pro 40W 100 / 6 / 1
Basswood plywood8.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 40W 20 / 40
Basswood plywood8.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 40W 20 / 100(80Lines per cm)
Cherry Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 40W 100 / 12 / 1
Cherry Plywood3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 40W 20 / 40
Cherry Plywood3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 40W 8 / 100(100Lines per cm)
Walnut Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 40W 100 / 12 / 1
Walnut Plywood3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 40W 20 / 40
Walnut Plywood3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 40W 8 / 100(100Lines per cm)
Pine Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 40W 100 / 12 / 1
Pine Plywood3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 40W 15 / 50
Pine Plywood3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 40W 15 / 120(100Lines per cm)
Fraxinus Mandshurica Plywood3.0CutD1 Pro 40W 100 / 12 / 1
Fraxinus Mandshurica Plywood3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 40W 20 / 50
Fraxinus Mandshurica Plywood3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 40W 8 / 100(100Lines per cm)


Material NameThickness(mm)ProcessingModulePower(%) / Speed(mm/s) / Pass
Dark Red Acrylic Sheet(Opaque,Glossy)3.0CutD1 Pro 5W100 / 1 / 3
Dark Red Acrylic Sheet(Opaque,Glossy)3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 5W100 / 50 / 1
Dark Red Acrylic Sheet(Opaque,Glossy)3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 3 / 4
Dark Red Acrylic Sheet(Opaque,Glossy)3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 10W80 / 50 / 1
Dark Red Acrylic Sheet(Opaque,Glossy)3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 10W40 / 40 / 1
Dark Red Acrylic Sheet(Opaque,Glossy)3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 3 / 3
Dark Red Acrylic Sheet(Opaque,Glossy)3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 20W40 / 50 / 1
Dark Red Acrylic Sheet(Opaque,Glossy)3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 20W30 / 40 / 1
Red Acrylic Sheet (Transparent, Glossy)3.0CutD1 Pro 10W100 / 3 / 4
Red Acrylic Sheet (Transparent, Glossy)3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 10W60 / 50 / 1
Red Acrylic Sheet (Transparent, Glossy)3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 10W40 / 50 / 1
Red Acrylic Sheet (Transparent, Glossy)3.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 3 / 3
Red Acrylic Sheet (Transparent, Glossy)3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 20W60 / 100 / 1
Red Acrylic Sheet (Transparent, Glossy)3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 20W30 / 40 / 1
Brown Opaque Glossy Acrylic2.0CutD1 Pro 20W100 / 5 / 3
Brown Opaque Glossy Acrylic2.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 20W40 / 50 / 1
Brown Opaque Glossy Acrylic2.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 20W50 / 40 / 1
Black Acrylic3.0CutD1 Pro 40W100 / 5 / 1
Black Acrylic3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 40W25 / 50
Black Acrylic3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 40W8 / 60(100Lines per cm)
Blood Red Acrylic3.0CutD1 Pro 40W100 / 5 / 1
Blood Red Acrylic3.0Vector engraveD1 Pro 40W100 / 5
Blood Red Acrylic3.0Raster engraveD1 Pro 40W15 / 60(100Lines per cm)

Cork Rubber Paper
Material NameThickness(mm)ProcessingModulePower(%) / Speed(mm/s) / Pass
Cork Desk Pad2mmVector engraveD1 Pro 40W15 / 50
Cork Desk Pad2mmRaster engraveD1 Pro 40W8 / 160(80Lines per cm)
Kraft Paper0.23mmCutD1 Pro 40W60 / 60 / 1
Kraft Paper0.23mmVector engraveD1 Pro 40W10 / 50
Kraft Paper
Raster engraveD1 Pro 40W8 / 80(100Lines per cm)
Marking Paper0.23mmVector engraveD1 Pro 40W10 / 50
Marking Paper0.23mmRaster engraveD1 Pro 40W8 / 1 40(100Lines per cm)
Pine Coaster10mmVector engraveD1 Pro 40W15 / 50
Pine Coaster10mmRaster engraveD1 Pro 40W15 / 60(100Lines per cm)
Rock Coaster7mmVector engraveD1 Pro 40W10 / 25
Rock Coaster7mmRaster engraveD1 Pro 40W15 / 120(100Lines per cm)
Rubber Mat2mmVector engraveD1 Pro 40W80 / 50
Rubber Mat2mmRaster engraveD1 Pro 40W80 /8 0(200Lines per cm)